Global Competitiveness Report 2019

Data source: World Economic Forum

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The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies, measuring national competitiveness - defined as the set of institutions, policies and factors that determine the level of productivity. The Report presents information and data that were compiled and/or collected by the World Economic Forum organized into 12 pillars: Institutions, Infrastructure, ICT adoption, Macroeconomic Stability, Health, Skills, Product Market, Labor Market, Financial System, Market Size, Business Dynamism, and Innovation Capabilities.

Dataset type: Cross-section
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• World Economic Forum. (2019). The global competetiveness report 2019. World Economic Forum.

Variables in this dataset:

Active labour market policies
QoG Code: wef_alp

Active labour policies. 1-7 (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent do Labour market policies help unemployed people to reskill and find new employment (including skills matching, retraining, etc.)? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Strength of auditing and reporting standards
QoG Code: wef_audit

Strength of auditing and reporting standards. 1-7 (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how strong are financial auditing and reporting standards? [1 = extremely weak; 7 = extremely strong] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Burden of government regulation
QoG Code: wef_bgr

Burden of government regulation (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how burdensome is it for companies to comply with public administration's requirements (e.g., permits, regulations, reporting)? [1 = extremely burdensome; 7 = not burdensome at all] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Budget transparency
QoG Code: wef_bt

Budget transparency (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). This indicator assesses on a scale of 0 to 100 [most transparent] the extent to which governments publish data related to budget and spending. Original sources: The World Bank Group

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Credit gap
QoG Code: wef_cg

Credit gap in percentage points. It is the difference between the most recent domestic credit to the private sector, as a percentage of GDP, and its 20-year trend. Original sources: The World Bank Group; World Economic Forum

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   Innovation capability
QoG Code: wef_ci

Innovation capability (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). Original sources: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report 2018

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Incidence of corruption
QoG Code: wef_cor

Incidence of corruption (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). The Corruption Perceptions Index aggregates data from a number of different sources that provide perceptions of business people and country experts of the level of corruption in the public sector. The scale ranges from 0 [highly corrupt] to 100 [very clean]. Original sources: Transparency International

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Debt dynamics
QoG Code: wef_ddyn

Debt dynamics (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). The index measures the change in public debt, weighted by a country's credit rating and debt level in relation to its GDP. Original sources: World Economic Forum; calculations based on data from International Monetary Fund and rating agencies

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Digital skills among active population
QoG Code: wef_dsap

Digital skills among active population. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is the best). In your country, to what extent does the active population possess sufficient digital skills (e.g., computer skills, basic coding, digital reading)? [1 = not all; 7 = to a great extent] Please note that International Labour Organization (ILO) defines active population as population including employed and unemployed persons. Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Efficiency of air transport services
QoG Code: wef_eair

Efficiency of air transport services. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is the best). In your country, how efficient (i.e., frequency, punctuality, speed, price) are air transport services? [1 = extremely inefficient-among the worst in the world; 7 = extremely efficient-among the best in the world] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Ease of finding skilled employees
QoG Code: wef_efs

Ease of finding skilled employees (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent can companies find people with the skills required to fill their vacancies? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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QoG Code: wef_elec

Electricity (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). This indicator is calculated by the World Economic Forum by aggregating two indicators that measure the electrification rate and electric power transmission and distribution losses. For more information, write to

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Percentage of population with access to electricity
QoG Code: wef_elr

Electricity access entails a household having initial access to sufficient electricity to power a basic bundle of energy services-at a minimum, several lightbulbs, task lighting (such as a flashlight), phone. Sources: International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2018 (; The World Bank Group, Sustainable Energy for All database (, accessed 21 March 2019); national sources.

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E-Participation Index
QoG Code: wef_epi

E-Participation Index (scale 0 to 1, while 1 is best)). This indicator assesses the use of online services to facilitate the provision of information by governments to citizens (“e-information sharing”), interaction with stakeholders (“e-consultation”), and engagement in decision-making processes. Original sources: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

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Efficiency of seaport services
QoG Code: wef_eport

Efficiency of seaport services (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how efficient (i.e., frequency, punctuality, speed, price) are seaport services (ferries, boats) (for landlocked countries: assess access to seaport services) [1 = extremely inefficient-among the worst in the world; 7 = extremely efficient-among the best in the world] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Efficiency of train services
QoG Code: wef_erail

Efficiency of train services (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how efficient (i.e., frequency, punctuality, speed, price) are train transport services? [1 = extremely inefficient-among the worst in the world; 7 = extremely efficient-among the best in the world] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Fixed-broadband Internet subscriptions
QoG Code: wef_fis

Fixed-broadband Internet subscriptions. Fixed-broadband Internet subscriptions per 100 people. Original sources: International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

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   Global Competitiveness Index
QoG Code: wef_gci

Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 assesses the microeconomic and macroeconomic foundations of national competitiveness, which is defined as the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country. Original sources: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report 2018

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Gross domestic product (billions, PPP)
QoG Code: wef_gdpp2

Gross domestic product (GDP) valued at purchasing power parity in billions of international dollars (constant 2011 prices). Original sources: International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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Growth of innovative companies
QoG Code: wef_gic

Growth of innovative companies (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent do new companies with innovative ideas grow rapidly? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Ease of hiring foreign labour
QoG Code: wef_hfl

Ease of hiring foreign labour (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). To what extent does labour regulation in your country limit the ability to hire foreign labour? (1 = very much limits hiring foreign labour, 7 = does not limit hiring foreign labour at all) Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Hiring and firing practices
QoG Code: wef_hfp

Hiring and firing practices (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent do regulations allow flexible hiring and firing of workers? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Homicide rate per 100,000 people
QoG Code: wef_hom

Homicide rate. Number of homicide cases per 100,000 people. Original sources: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

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QoG Code: wef_infl

Inflation, as the annual percent change in the consumer price index (year average). Original sources: International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Intellectual property protection
QoG Code: wef_ipr

Intellectual property protection (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent is intellectual property protected? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Internet users
QoG Code: wef_iu

Percentage of individuals using the Internet. Original sources: International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

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Judicial independence
QoG Code: wef_ji

Judicial independence (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how independent is the judicial system from influences of the government, individuals, or companies? [1 = not independent at all; 7 = entirely independent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Cooperation in labour-employer relations
QoG Code: wef_ler

Cooperation in labour-employer relations. In your country, how do you characterize Labour-employer relations? [1 = generally confrontational; 7 = generally cooperative] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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School life expectancy
QoG Code: wef_lse

School life expectancy. Years. The total number of years of schooling (primary through tertiary) that a child can expect to receive, assuming that the probability of his or her being enrolled in school at any particular future age is equal to the current enrollment ratio at that age. Original sources: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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Extent of market dominance
QoG Code: wef_md

The extent of market dominance (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how do you characterize corporate activity? [1 = dominated by a few business groups; 7 = spread among many firms] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions
QoG Code: wef_mobile

Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions. Number of mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 people. Original sources: International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

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Organized crime
QoG Code: wef_oc

Organized crime (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent does organized crime (mafia-oriented racketeering, extortion) impose costs on businesses? [1 = to a great extent-imposes huge costs; 7 = not at all-imposes no costs] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Prevalence of non-tariff barriers
QoG Code: wef_pntb

Prevalence of non-tariff barriers (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent do non-tariff barriers (e.g., health and product standards, technical and labeling requirements, etc.) limit the ability of imported goods to compete in the domestic market? [1 = strongly limit; 7 = do not limit at all] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Pay and productivity
QoG Code: wef_pp

Pay and productivity (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent is pay related to employee productivity? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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   Property rights
QoG Code: wef_pr

Property rights (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent are property rights, including financial assets, protected? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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   Transport infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qoi

Transport infrastructure (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). This indicator is calculated by the World Economic Forum by aggregating eight indicators that measure roads, railroads, air transport and water transport infrastructure. For more information, write to Original sources: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report 2018

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Quality of road infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qroad

Quality of roads (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how is the quality (extensiveness and condition) of road infrastructure [1 = extremely poor-among the worst in the world; 7 = extremely good-among the best in the world]. Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Quality of vocational training
QoG Code: wef_qvt

Quality of vocational training. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is the best). In your country, how do you assess the quality of vocational training? [1 = extremely poor-among the worst in the world; 7 = excellent-among the best in the world] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Reliability of police services
QoG Code: wef_rps

Reliability of police services (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent can police services be relied upon to enforce law and order? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Skillset of secondary-education graduates
QoG Code: wef_shg

The skillset of secondary-education graduates. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is best). “In your country, to what extent do graduating students possess the skills needed by businesses at the following levels: Secondary education'' [1 = Not at all; 7 = To a great extent]. Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Financing of SMEs
QoG Code: wef_smec

Financing of SMEs (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, to what extent can small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access the financing they need for their business operations through the financial sector? [1 = not at all; 7 = to a great extent] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Scientific publications. H Index
QoG Code: wef_sp

Scientific publications. H Index. Score on an index measuring the number of publications and their citations, expressed at the country level. Original sources: SCImago

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Skillset of university graduates
QoG Code: wef_sug

The skillset of university graduates. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is the best). Response to the survey question “In your country, to what extent do graduating students possess the skills needed by businesses at the following levels: b. University-level (1 = Not at all; 7 = To a great extent)'' Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Terrorism incidence
QoG Code: wef_ti

Terrorism incidence (scaled from 1 (very high) to 100 (no incidence)). This custom-built index is the weighted average of the number of terrorism-related casualties (injuries and fatalities) and the number of terrorist attacks, discounted by time. Each component is normalized separately and then averaged. Values range from 1 [highest incidence] to 100 [no incidence]. Original sources: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

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University-industry collaboration in R&D
QoG Code: wef_uic

University-industry collaboration in R&D. 1-7 (scaled 1 to 7, while 7 is the best). In your country, to what extent do businesses and universities collaborate on research and development (R&D)? [1 = do not collaborate at all; 7 = collaborate extensively]. Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Venture capital availability
QoG Code: wef_vca

Venture capital availability (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how easy is it for start-up entrepreneurs with innovative but risky projects to obtain equity funding? [1 = extremely difficult; 7 = extremely easy] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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Flexibility of wage determination
QoG Code: wef_wbp

Flexibility of wage determination (scale 1 to 7, while 7 is best). In your country, how are wages generally set? [1 = by a centralized bargaining process; 7 = by each individual company] Original sources: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey

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   Water infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_wi

Water infrastructure (scale 0 to 100, while 100 is best). Original sources: World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report 2018

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Ratio of wage and salaried female workers to male workers
QoG Code: wef_wlf

Ratio of wage and salaried female workers to male workers. Ratio. The ratio of the percentage of women aged 15-64 participating in the labour force as wage and salaried workers to the percentage of men aged 15-64 participating in the labour force as wage and salaried workers. Original sources: International Labour Organization (ILO), World Economic Forum

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Workers' rights
QoG Code: wef_wr

Workers' rights (scale 1 to 100, while 100 is best). This index is adapted from the ITUC Global Rights Index, which measures the level of protection of internationally recognized core Labour standards including civil rights, the right to bargain collectively, the right to strike, the right to associate freely, and access to due process rights. It does not take into account any element of firing regulations. The scale ranges from 1 [no protection] to 100 [high protection]. Original sources: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), World Economic Forum

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